Midwest Energy & Communications
MEC is lifting up communities in its service territory with the Building Vibrant Communities (BVC) grant program. Get details below.
MEC is no longer accepting applications for the 2022-23 Strengthening Schools Grants (SSG) cycle, made possible by partnership dollars from Wolverine Power Cooperative. The deadline was October 17, 2022.
Together Our Future is Brighter!
Michigan Economic Development
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, in collaboration with more than 100 economic development partners, markets Michigan as the place to do business, assists businesses in their growth strategies, and fosters the growth of vibrant communities across the state.
Michigan’s business climate is stronger than ever. Nearly two-thirds of Michigan businesses surveyed describe the state as having a positive business climate and would promote Michigan as a place to start a business.
Michigan Works Association
Michigan Works! Southwest is building local prosperity one great job at a time. We see opportunities when we build connections between job seekers looking to grow their careers and employers seeking quality candidates with the job skills needed. We look at the big picture, watching employment trends and working with our community partners to make sure connections are made between employers, educators, trainers, and employees.
Michigan Leap Program
In partnership with Lake Michigan College and Southwestern Michigan College, we can help you earn a certificate or degree in a high-demand field.
MiLEAP navigators will help you with support services, set career goals, identify relevant education and training opportunities, and complete requirements for college admissions and financial aid.
Cass County Economic Development
The Economic Development efforts focus on existing business, expanding that business, and attracting new business to the county. We also provide support for entrepreneurial opportunities by businesses located in Cass County. The Cass County Economic Development Corporation is ready, willing, and able to help you and your businesses.
North Central Indiana SCORE
Local SCORE mentors provide clients with free, confidential, in-depth access to experienced business leaders and access to a nationwide network of SCORE mentors. We can help you start a business, grow a business, and handle challenges along the way. While SCORE is known for helping would-be entrepreneurs, our mentors also provide advice to established businesses.
Social Security Resource Center
Government Services are often underutilized by the people who need them simply because they don’t know where to go or who to get in touch with. We’re trying to cut down the confusion when it comes to Social Security services and want citizens to know where to go when it comes to:
- Retirement Benefits
- Disability Benefits
- Social Security Cards
- Other Federal Government Services
The Social Security Resource Center is the first comprehensive site that includes all of this information.
U.S. Small Business Administration
We help small businesses grow and prosper with:
- Free business counseling
- SBA-guaranteed business loans
- Home & business disaster loans
- Federal government contracting
Browse business topics:
- Plan your business
- Launch your business
- Manage your business
- Grow your business

Village of Edwardsburg
Founded in 1911, the Village of Edwardsburg is a village in Cass County. The population was 1,304 at the 2020 census. It is part of northern Indiana and the southwestern Michigan area known as Michiana.
Edwardsburg is situated at the crossroads of M-62, and US 12. The Canadian National railroad tracks run through the village. The village is serviced by the Niles Amtrak Station, and the South Bend International Airport, both of which are in the greater Michiana area.